API Parcel information of Flemish farmers and horticulturists

Department of Agriculture and Fisheries - Flemish Government

This API provides access to certain parcel data of Flemish farmers and horticulturalists, as indicated and processed in the annual Gathering Application (parcel declaration).

Interested in these data? DjustConnect will make sure that your data request reaches the Flemish Government Department of Agriculture and Fisheries. After approval, the data request is forwarded to the concerned farmers. In this way, data sharing is 100% Code of Conduct proof, without managing authorisations yourself. In 1 connection you get access to the data, after approval of the data owner. DjustConnect also ensures that all transactions are legally correct.

  • Info about all Flemish agricultural parcels of land
  • Data from the Gathering Application
  • Easy access to the location data of parcels and of farmers
  • Latest available and complete overview of crops
  • Agri-environmental measures

Which data?

The Department of Agriculture & Fisheries makes a lot of data available for all Flemish agricultural parcels from the Collective Application. These are all kinds of data about the parcels: location, cultivation, agro-environmental measures, etc. It concerns the agricultural parcels in use on the latest submission date of the Single Application.

Some examples are:

  • Identity: name, address, company number
  • Location: parcel name and number, agricultural region, region, municipality, area
  • Cultivation: main crop, pre and post crop, production method, status of potato cultivation
  • Agri-environmental measures: grassland, overview of management agreements, erosion

Detailed information about all data in this API can be found via the button below.

Use of the API

The Department of Agriculture & Fisheries will look into your application for the use of this API.

The application will be tested against the legal framework concerning the re-use of public sector information.

If the application is approved by the Department of Agriculture & Fisheries, a licence for the re-use of public sector information will be issued.

Technical information

All API's on DjustConnect are REST API's.

This API can be called with an HTTP GET call and returns a JSON response.

Mutual TLS authentication (client certificate authentication) is used for authentication. In addition it is necessary to add the following value to the HTTP Headers: "DjustConnect-Subscription-Key" with the key value that can be found in the DjustConnect Portal.

All APIs are made available through Azure API Management.

Identification number

Do you use a number other than the CBE number to identify your farmers?

No problem! Via the DjustConnect Identification Mapping API you can easily link this CBE number to your own identification number.