Who are we?
DjustConnect is a neutral data exchange platform, hosted by ILVO, available for all data users in the Agrifood sector. Using DjustConnect requires to comply with our core values regarding data ownership, transparency and trust.
Our mission
Our mission is to stimulate data exchange in the Agrifood sector with respect for the different stakeholders; the usage and valorisation of data, eliminating repetitive, boring data entries, unlocking the full potential of applications and creating benefits throughout the value chain.
ILVO, being a non-commercial, neutral party in the ecosystem, guarantees the enforcement of our core values on the DjustConnect platform.
Our values
DjustConnect is built on a foundation of respect. Data is often called the new oil, capable of unlocking a multitude of applications, provide insights, enable optimization, etc. However, all these possibilities require either the usage or combination of one or multiple data sources, each of them populated by data originators. DjustConnect wants to provide a means of data exchange respecting data ownership, farmers and providing decision power, regarding the data exchange, to the different parties involved.
To enable stakeholders to make the correct decisions regarding which party they share/request data from/with, all data requests have to be clearly declared and well explained. Additionally, DjustConnect provides an individual, clear overview presenting all data exchanges currently approved or disapproved.

DjustConnect is built on trust, meaning that the platform guarantees only data to be exchanged once the required permissions are given and to stop data exchange once a permission is revoked. This is translated in the legal contracts which have to be honoured to be part of the DjustConnect ecosystem.
DjustConnect, a mature platform, build on experience
DjustConnect originated as an EFRO (European Fund for Regional Development) project, called Datahub for AgroFood, with the support of its founding companies (AVEVE, Boerenbond, CRV, DGZ and Milcobel) and grew into a fully mature platform, successfully connecting data receivers and farmers, enabling data-driven applications to thrive.

ILVO has an in-house team available for companies connecting to the DjustConnect ecosystem capable of supporting them in all aspects of entering the data economy, able to address ICT questions, strategic and juridical challenges and business (model) development.


Do you have a question?
Do you want to cooperate or would you like more information on what DjustConnect can do for you? Don’t hesitate to contact us.