VILT vzw published an article about the lower contribution of dairy farmers to MilkBE. This is made possible by the digitisation of the sustainability monitor using DjustConnect and WALLeSMART. This digitisation ensures that, with the dairy farmers' permission, data is made available to the buyers of MilkBE for which they will make an increased contribution.
This year, dairy farmers will pay a lower contribution to MilkBE, the branch organisation of the dairy sector that manages, among other things, the botulism solidarity fund. This has been agreed by the directors of the branch organisation. The decreasing number of cases of severe botulism in recent years makes this decrease possible. Digitisation of the sustainability monitor, on the other hand, will lead to higher expenses for MilkBE this year. These costs are borne by the buyers of milk. They are seeing their rates rise.
(Source: VILT vzw)